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2024 Concert of Gospelchoir GetUp

December 20, 2024

Hey, did you miss our Christmas concert? No worries! We’ve got 10 awesome songs from Gospelchoir GetUp Berghausen for you. Grab a snack, kick back, and let the music get you into the festive spirit!

Instrumental sidetrack

October 11, 2024

The new guitar is driving creativity - wrote some more songs since then. The latest is the instrumental "Foreign Shores" that shows the versatility of the guitar, being crispy funky and a heavy rocker.

Serious equipment upgrade

May 27, 2024

Got me a new guitar. It was build for me from the guitar builder David Wilhelm with walnut neck, plum fretboard and redwood body. The pickups are from Häussel. Looks great, sounds great , lightweight - for more fun in making music.

Blackthorn Syndicate shutting down

April 08, 2024

Sad news. After struggeling almost one year to find musicians for my band, I finally give up. I will now try another approach: find an existing band searching a singer / guitarrist and infliltrate them with my songs. Singers are well wanted today...

New song "Raindrops" is released

April 03, 2024

Having it a little cumbersome with the band, I keep on writing songs. Next song "Raindrops" is released. As usual I have fun sending out a pre-final version and then constantly improving the following days.

New album twentytwentyfour

February 11, 2024

Moving on since 2020, I opened the annual album for all the titles I write in 2024. This years cover is a peek into our Blackthorn Syndicate rehearsal room - hopefully for more good news this year.

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November 24th, 2023

Ups and downs. Our drummer Harald suprisingly left the building some weeks before the gig, now we are searching again. We continue working on polyphonic vocals and finalize new songs.

Getting staffed and first gig in sight

November 1, 2023

With our new guitar hero Hellmut we staffed our string department, still searching for keyboard support. But with the current setup we are able to sign for first gigs, starting December 2nd on the Rudolf5 winter fest at Karlsruhe.

Started work and still searching

September 10, 2023

With our drummer Harald, the bass-man Karsten and me we are working our way through the catalogue. Harald and Karsten are a trained musical symbiosis, still we are looking for keyboard and lead guitarrist (m/f/d).

... and farewell

July 18, 2023

Easy come, easy go. Soon after start we realized, that this was not working. Better fail early, so Karsten and me started search again. Found one drummer, looking for keyboard and lead guitarist (m/f/d) - maybe you know one...

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Welcome Blackthorn Syndicate

June 27, 2023

We are now digging into the songs - a warm welcome to Karsten, Axel, Stephan and Frank. To find our sound might take some time, but the first four songs are in operation.

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Starting Blackthorn Syndicate rehearsals

June 25, 2023

Beginning June 19th we had our first rehearsal in Karlsruhe in a substitute room, the final room will be finished by mid July. We now follow our program backlog and prepare for stage by end of this year. More to come here.

Turn the volume down

May 05, 2023

OK, the OR80R is loud - I mean really loud. To bring this back to normal volume, I got a power attenuator designed by Mike Soldano. This helps to test my effect setup at home and to run the amp in the right power zone without getting deaf.

Serious equipment upgrade

April 13, 2023

Now, planning for stage, there is the next serious equipment upgrade - an Orange OR80R amplifier. Pretty vintage, but it clearly suits the sound of my songs. Waiting for the first session in the rehearsal room.

Running for stage

April 08, 2023

After now having a book of songs that are worth hitting audience, I started to bring a band together. We now have some great musicians together (still looking for a drummer), start training on the songs and are prowd to announce Blackthorn Syndicate. More to come here in the feed.

New year, new songs

March 02, 2023

With the new year, new songs are created. Please follow the album twentytwentythree with the first two songs.

twentytwentytwo is in distribution

January 22, 2023

I released the album "twentytwentytwo" on several distribution platforms like Apple Music or Amazon Music and several others more. I would be happy to get some listens there - thanks in advance.

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Writing a Jingle

November 22, 2022

Got the request from my department to write a jingle for the monthly employee information meeting. This was definitively something new for me, since there is not much time to deliver a statement, it should be not much longer than 20 seconds. 

Moving to Mastodon

November 10, 2022

After Elon Musk running amok on Twitter, I ended my subscription there and decided to move to the open webforum Mastodon. Smaller and different, but with a charm. For You a warm invitation.

Going livemix

November 4, 2022

Ready to learn again. Started as a live mixing engineer at the KOHI Kulturverein at Karlsruhe. Fortunately I have great support from my  colleague Martin Haaß, who is an experienced engineer - and mixing live is really quite different from working at the studio console...

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Going remix

September 1, 2022

Holidays are great, especially at the Baltic Sea. But what to do as a musician when You don't have a guitar and get a bit bored? That's right, remix. Started with first three songs from 'The Doors', 'The Police' and 'Pink Floyd', more to come.

Starting production support

June 18, 2022

Did my first production support job from my former band mate Boris Horner (hidden beacon). Rebuild of song structure, sound additions and remix. Hear the difference from original to updated version.

100 Songs in the Catalogue 

May 12, 2022

Today I launched with Delirium the song #100 in the discography - what a great feeling. So since December 2018 this 48 songs written by Blackthorn Blossom and the other 52 songs with my former bands Czaika Ranch, Alive and Ra Patera.

Album of the Year

February 11, 2022

The year started good with three great songs - all can be found in the album of the year "twentytwentytwo".


Blackthorn Blossom studio upgrade with Behringer X32 Producer mixing console
Another studio upgrade - Behringer X32

December 22, 2021

Just got a new studio upgrade: the Behringer X32 Producer mixing console, microphones for drum and choir recording and a new monitor setup. This is great to step into live recording in 2022 - let's see what comes along the way...

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Recension of "Kleine Welt" in eXcess mag

September 29, 2021

For my German title "Kleine Welt" I just received a great recension in the German indie music mag  eXcess - this really makes me proud as hell...

Discography of Lucas / Blackthorn Blossom

September 29, 2021

After I lost a litte bit the overview about my songs, I started to implement a discography of all songs, where I at least was part of the composing process. Starting with a strong 93 songs, this is updated...

New toy for future live activities

July 14, 2021

Got a new toy, the amp and effect modeling board Hotone Ampero. This is a first step to possible future live acitivities, be it with the guitar or the base. Time to train the songs and find some companions...

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Intercontinental restart of Czaika Ranch

May 16, 2021

With my 1990s band Czaika Ranch we are currently making a restart. Starting with a re-recording of old songs, then possibly moving into some new stuff. 25 years older, but still rock'n roll...

Cooperation with singer Dirk Steinhilper

May 02, 2021

Just started the cooperation with the singer Dirk Steinhilper from my former band Czaika Ranch, way back in 1990s. Our first title 'Purple' is a reminiscense to 70s Hard Rock, these were the good times...

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First music video out on YouTube

December 09, 2020

The first music video from Energy Twins is out on YouTube. Follow the track with 'Keep on going' up in the hills of Ettlingen in southern Germany.

First album on Amazon music

December 01, 2020

The first album is out on Amazon music for purchase. We would be happy if You support us following the link and buy our music - the setting of three poems from Hermann Hesse in a modern sound.

Studio upgrade (tiny)

November 21, 2020

It is not always the big investment that makes the difference. I built an acoustic screen for my microphone from an old Leitz folder and an iso-mat. Looks funny, but helps enormously with the vocal recording.

Blackthorn Blossom production environment
Studio upgrade

November 10, 2020

After mixing since two years now only with headphones, the Blackthorn Blossom studio got an upgrade with two Adam Audio TV7 nearfield monitors. This should bring another mixing improvement for the upcoming songs.

Poems of Hermann Hesse in new sound

October 28, 2020

The German writer Hermann Hesse is one of our largest poets. His writings mirror the dark times in the first decades of the last century. We bring him into a new light with three new and a little melancholic songs.

Going more into visibility

September 29, 2020

Found some time for photographies to go a little more into promotion with Blackthorn Blossom and later with the Energy Twins

Cooperation with singer Michael Matt

September 09, 2020

Together with singer Michael Matt we will create a new band project, starting first with my songs and constantly involving new songs from Michaels portfolio - working title "Energy Twins".

yepp blog on 'Climatic Change"

August 18, 2020

Blackthorn Blossom expresses the need to be heard. Climatic Change should elicit a warmth that can melt any brand of cynicism. Like two parallel spirals. Blackthorn Blossom called attention to himself with awesome track Climatic Change. There are some elements that set this track apart from standard sound: a delicate harmony tucked away in the pooling reverb. It works in multiple scales and registers.

Vocals going professional

August 13, 2020

Started a new cooperation with metal singer Michael Matt, who is also a busy songwriter and producer himself - something really big can happen. First song is "Climatic Change".

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Review 'Im Nebel' on

August 4, 2020

Short review of my new title "Im Nebel" on the music blog can·tunes by Adrian Domenik.

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Looking for support singers for new choir song

May 5, 2020

I have another title for choir that is ready for rollout - just waiting for supporters to sing a line in the song. So if YOU are interested in supporting my new song, please send a PN for sheet and some guiding tracks.

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First choir song "Enter Jerusalem" is out

May 1, 2020

The first song of my choir project "Enter Jerusalem" is out now - recorded with smartphones and merged together by Blackthorn Blossom.

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Choir project starts with first song in test phase

April 21, 2020

The first song of my choir project "Enter Jerusalem" is in test with my choir as 'Corona Social Distance Rehearsal' - keep You updated.

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Interview with blogger Twist Online

March 29, 2020

I had an interview with music blogger Twist Online about the story of Blackthorn Blossom. You can read it here.

Corona Crisis: stay at home and make music

March 22, 2020

Corona crisis is shaking the world. Help to save lives and stay in Your house, move only out if really needed. Listen to my song "Lupus Corona".

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Songs in distribution on large channels

March 11, 2020

First songs out on the large distribution channels like Apple Music, Spotify and Google Music. Start with 'Kleine Welt'. You can support by buying my songs.

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New project: choir musik

January 06, 2020

I started a new project with choir music - first song "Enter Jerusalem" is going into test with my gospel choir GetUp. More information to come soon...

Gospel album 2019 out now

January 06, 2020

The album "GetUp Gospelchor Berghausen - Concert 2019" is finished with great gospel songs from our November concert.

Taskline for the next weeks

October 06, 2019

Since it really made fun to rework the song "Sudden", this will fill the task list for the next weeks. The first ideas are coming into my mind...

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Homepage started

October 04, 2019

The new homepage is almost ready and will be started today. The last templates are changed into blackthorn-content, the new domain is on the run...

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'Herbstgedanken' going wild

October  03, 2019

I placed the new song "Herbstgedanken" at the music portal and got more than 10k listenings as well as almost 400 likes - awesome!

I plan to do this every second week now with new songs for a period of time - this is good spent money...

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Added new albums at Soundcloud

October 03, 2019

In preparation for the upcoming homepage I cleaned up the album structure in Soundcloud a little bit - now we have the albums of all my bands in shape

Help those who suffer from war

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